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This is how you do it : you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until it's done. It's that easy, and that hard

Self- assessment




While writing my literary narrative I used 2 out of the 8 course skills that we talked about in class. One of them being , engaging in a social environment with my peers in class. That was a great way to humble me in a way, as a writer you need your work to be critiqued in order for you to post to the final piece, because guaranteed there will be a chunk missing out that if you filled in will make the story 3x more interesting. The other course skill that I engaged in while writing my literacy narrative was , I was taking time on my writing piece trying to make it interesting , revising as I write down if the sentence sounded kind of bland, I tried to make it sound kind of better by putting funny lines in my writing to hopefully have the reader smile laugh and just the writing itself made me want to check for errors and correct myself along the way. The peer review helped me realize what more I can do to make the story more interesting and what I can fix up and it helped a lot. Overall I used 2 out of the 8 course skills to help me with the literacy  narrative, but as time comes whatever assignment we get I’ll make sure to use as many course skills as I possibly can in my writing piece.