This is how you do it : you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until it's done. It's that easy, and that hard

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Besides writing, I love collecting Shoes as a hobby

My name is Abdul Moaeed , and welcome To My English 11000 Portfolio. I am currently an undergraduate freshman student at City College of New York.

Final Self-Assessment

With the semester coming to an end, it has been such a beneficial semester for me, as I learned how to improve on my writing. The Literacy Narrative essay recalled one of my childhood memories, which had to do with my struggle to write cursive, therefore it  had a huge effect on my writing. Course learning skills, in which majority I have used such as peer review, revising as I write along, and locating research sources. Course learning skills can be used in all genres of writing, as their job is to help you expand and make your writing stand out and not be bland. In the literacy narrative, peer review was a big help for me because my classmates helped me figure out my mistakes which I couldn’t point out. The skill of peer reviewing makes you better understand what should be added, or what shouldn’t be added therefore making your writing interesting and enjoyable to read. Brainstorming was another way of how I got to write about my memories,as it gave my mind an easy flow just bringing ideas together. The exploratory essay opened up the opportunity to better understand research sources and talk about something that I thought was an issue that needed to be talked about, Cyberbullying. I found out about a lot of research websites that I had never known before, and it opened my mind to ideas as to back up my argument and stance, which is also another course learning skill. Looking into resources allowed me to take some time to also learn about information containing statistics, as readers such as myself find information like that really interesting. The critical analysis essay expanded more on the exploratory essay, but includes much more information because you look at both sides of the argument and debunk the counterargument. Leading up to the critical analysis was the annotated bibliography, which really helped ease my mind as it gave my mind ideas on what I could write about in what paragraph and how to break down each source one at a time. Breaking down each source with quotes makes it simple and straightforward on what your brain can brainstorm and gives you a lot of room to explore more and more sources of your ideology. The exploratory essay played a huge part in helping me write my critical analysis, because the reliable information from the sources gave me more background knowledge, therefore it made it easy to expand my argument in response to the counterarguments. The critical analysis also opened up help to learning even more about my topic with having to locate more and different sources from articles , newspapers , and graphs. Using images can help support your argument in so many ways, such as having a graph based on percentages of how many people had been affected by cyberbullying, in my case I did and the numbers were really high meaning it would potentially want a future reader to continue speaking up about it. Overall, my first semester at The City College was an amazing experience, as my professor Anna Voisard helped me build up skills that’ll definitely help me all throughout these 4 years of college. Course learning skills helped make my assignments understandable and it made it a fun experience at the same time. I feel so prepared to be heading into my next semester knowing writing assignments won’t be so difficult for me as the assignments this semester helped me build more love for writing. In the future I hope my assignments can be useful as information to future college students. Spring semester is now crossed off my list as I head into the fall semester in August.